I wanted to share some resources to help make new habits easy as you're designing your own house of learning. So of course, I'm starting with habits that foster natural learning.
I'm calling this series, School Subjects in Family Culture. Natural learning doesn't happen in subjects, but because many of us came up in a system that teaches life skills as separate subjects, we think in terms of subjects, and we naturally worry about our kids getting all of those subjects in. These lists are ideas to make those school subjects a natural part of your family culture, so your kids can be intentional about exposing your kids to them, and give them natural opportunities to learn them as part of daily life.
This is the link to my Language Arts list of ideas. I'm still adding to it and organizing it, so you get this very raw draft. But I wanted to share it now to help participants in my 7 day challenge. You can join the challenge on my instagram @our_houseoflearning.